JOAN HEWATT SWAIM is the author of Walking TCU: A Historic Perspective, published in 1992. Recently Joan partnered with Phil Hartman to produce a 2nd edition, published in 2023 by TCU Press.
Joan has written over 35 articles for This Is TCU and TCU magazine since 1986. This site contains most of her magazine articles as well as some excerpts from her book.
Note from the author:
The essays are personal, written between the years 1986 and 2002, and encompass my several perspectives from which I have been privileged to view this academic community. All of the essays were previously published in This is TCU magazine which is now TCU magazine. There is no chronology to the vignette unto itself. They make no attempt to give hard fact and figure, but reflect only my own memories and observations of time and place.
~Joan Swaim